Jun 03, 2016
Kay Grossman
Focus, Dammit!


Advanced attention skills are prerequisite to success in today’s fiercely competitive work environment, especially at the highest levels of professional performance, says Kay Grossman of Focus, Dammit!, an attention-coaching service. 

The demands on our attention are extraordinary. Modern technology overwhelms us with too much information, constant interruptions, and too many options in the face of ever-increasing demands for higher productivity.

Grossman's coaching technique helps individuals train their brains and develop new habits for increased productivity. She has a B.S. in Communicative Disorders  and a M.A. in Learning Disabilities from Northwestern University. She completed Post-graduate study in ADHD at the University of Kansas Medical Center and is a graduate of the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) and the Coaching the Entrepreneur (Advanced ADDCA Course).