This Week (Nov. 14): Charlie Shields, Truman Medical CEO, "The Way to a Healthier Kansas City"
After 17 years in healthcare roles and 20 years as a member of the Missouri General Assembly, Charlie Shields joined Truman Medical Centers (TMC) in July 2010 and became President and Chief Executive Officer of the hospital organization in July 2014. His vision for TMC is to lead the way to a healthier Kansas City. One of his priorities is to work with physicians and leaders to develop innovative ways to meet the growing health needs of the Kansas City Community.  When he served as Chief Operating Officer of TMC Lakewood, in eastern Jackson County, from 2010-14, Charlie led TMC in developing several innovative programs, including opening the Lakewood Family Birthplace that accommodates 1,800 births a year; developing an integrated program of behavioral health services for older adults; creating a community-focused center to treat breast cancer; and establishing an elementary school-based mobile dental care program in Independence.