Posted by Randy Steinman on Jun 13, 2019
From June 10th email to club members:
Dear Plaza Rotarians:
It is my hope that tomorrow you will receive an invitation to vote on the club's business/bylaws ballot. This will arrive via Survey Monkey. Thanks to Terry Putney for his assistance on this matter. Please take a few minutes to review and vote the ballot once it arrives.
A voting deadline will be included in the Survey Monkey invitiation-- June 18. If you have already filled out a paper survey, please do not vote again.
In the meantime the following board actions were reported at the club assembly last Friday:
Briefly the actions taken by the board were:
  • Happy Bucks/Change for Charity will continue
  • The Sergeant At Arms will continue to levee good natured fines
  • The Centurion program of contributing $100/year to be exempt from fines will continue.
  • Three Minute Speakers will resume and be incorporated into the new member Red Badge Criteria. Additionally longer term Rotarians will be encouraged to speak as well thus introducing themselves to newer members
  • Member birthdays will revert back to weekly announcements
  • Grand Street Café will continue, at least for now, as the club’s meeting venue. However, based upon input from the surveys several changes have been made like additional coffee and more seating.
  • Major Beneficiaries will continue on a 3 year rotation.
  • Club support for Group Study Exchange will continue.
Other Projects discussed:
  • Bloch Cancer Park- changes in support from other sources for the park have changed resulting in deferred maintenance of the park and other issues. While the club is broadly in favor of continued support for the park, the tone and the scope of that support may change and broaden in future years. The Community Service Committee is investigating what that may look like and is identifying strategic partners to assist in support of the park.
  • Malawi Children’s Village- the survey expressed a strong desire from the club for more communication regarding the project.  The club’s International Service Committee is supporting the continuation of ongoing and future projects and club members who champion this project have agreed to promote and report on activities to the club on a more regular basis.
  • The board voted to discontinue support for the Bridge Home.
  • Shoes for Orphaned Souls- will continue.
  • Games for Good- reevaluate after 2019.
  • RYLA, Rotaract, Interact and Rotary Youth Exchange- some of these projects, specifically Interact & Youth Exchange have challenges beyond our club’s ability to address. Therefore it is recommended we continue to focus on RYLA & Rotaract while remaining open to opportunities that may arise for Interact & RYE.
Thanks in advance for your participation,
Randy S.